Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Might as well try something new...

I like to cook, but like many people I get stuck in a rut and fix the same things over and over.  While making my decision regarding what to plant in the garden, I purposely left out herbs because it is VERY unfamiliar territory for me.  I've never purchased fresh herbs or been around anyone who uses fresh herbs so my lack of familiarity with them led me to decide to stay far away from them this year.

Well...Last week during my garage sale, I met a nice lady named Marsha who was headed to set-up at the farmers market on the square in Ozark.  I learned she has a greenhouse and often sells at the farmers market.  I mentioned to her about my big garden and asked her how to get involved with it if our garden produces enough to sell and who I would need to contact, etc...She ended up purchasing a chair at our sale which she was going to have to pick up at a later date.  When she came back the next day, she brought me a little gift...Yep...you guessed it...6 different HERBS and one sweet red pepper plant!

I can't let a plant go to waste, so I took this as a sign that I needed to make myself try something new...I am going to jump right in and learn about how to grow them and how to cook with them.  I LOVE SURPRISES!  This surprise came the day after my Aunt Elaine stopped by and brought me 9 more tomato plants (mostly different varieties than I had already planted, too!), 7 sweet potato plants, 2 green bell pepper, 2 jalapeno plants and some forsythia starts. 

Now, I just need to determine where and how I will plant the herbs...I don't think I will plant them in my garden...I am leaning towards some sort of pots closer to my house, but we will see!

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