Sunday, May 27, 2012

Harvest Time!

We have been picking our romaine lettuce and blackseeded simpson lettuce for a couple weeks now.  But, I think I waited a little too late to pick it because it was just a little bitter for my taste.  One thing I've learned for next year (if I decide to plant lettuce, that is!) is to spread my lettuce seeds out more when I am planting and don't let it get too tall before picking. 

Last Friday, I researched on the internet to see the signs of broccoli readiness for picking.  Luckily I did because it was ready to be picked!  It felt so awesome being able to go out to my garden with a sharp knife and chop off the stalks of broccoli we have been watching grow for almost 3 months!  I loved the feeling of knowing we had grown it in our own backyard and it was one less thing I would have to purchase at the store. 

If I'd had an old pioneer dress for Kately and I to wear, we would've pretended we were back in the "old days" harvesting the garden. LOL...She would have loved to dress up and pretend, but she just had to settle for posing with her best smile and a broccoli bouquet.  We harvested 6 of these and I prepared 1 batch for fresh cooking and the other 5 for freezing, which was another NEW thing I learned how to do! 

Brett has always been my picky eater...When we sat down at dinner that night, he and Kately ate all the broccoli on their plates!  This was one happy mommy!  Broccoli plants don't continue to produce more broccoli after it is harvested, so I think we will try to plant more of it soon!

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