Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Let's get picking!

Since my last post, things have really been growing due to the nice rain God sent almost a week ago.  Our burpless (climbing) cucumbers have been growing like crazy!  So far, we've picked about 10 but there are quite a few that will be ready in the next week or so...I was surprised by the shape of these cucumbers, as most of them curve in the shape of a "c".  So, Brett and I have been saying "C is for Cucumber" a lot this week!  Of course, Ryan suggested I should have taken a better picture or brightened this picture up so it actually looks like something appetizing rather than a "gift" left from a neighborhood dog, I had to post this picture because this was our very first cucumber and it was eaten about 5 minutes after this picture was taken.  So...yes this is a was brighter green in person...and it was DELICIOUS--LOL!

Although our tomato plants have green tomatoes of all shapes and sizes on them right now, we've only had about 10 cherry tomatoes ripe enough to pick so far. Some of our cabbage was ripe enough to pick this week, too!  I was also very surprised at the size of the cabbage heads. I had no idea they would grow that big, even though the actual plant they grew on was very large.  Call me a garden nerd, but we have had A LOT of excitement at our house this week due to the surprises we've been pulling out of the garden!
Although there is much work still to be done, this is the fun we've been waiting for since the beginning!

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