Monday, March 19, 2012


Today, we spent about 3 hours finishing up what we could before rain was supposed to move in...Dad covered the strawberries with straw, then we finished up our 2nd row of vegetables by adding about 40 feet of's not really time to plant okra, but we thought we'd give it a try.  If it doesn't grow, all we have to do is replant that area...We also finished up our 9th tractor bucket of rocks! This is probably our last "major" rock pick-up this year. WOO HOO!  I can handle picking up some here and there but atleast the tons and tons of rocks have passed for now!  Dad and I figured that we have picked up a little over 9 TONS of rocks...which is 18,000+ lbs...We are MAJOR ROCK STARS! LOL...

Here's Brett and I after bucket #9 was complete...

Brett has been a pretty good sport through all of this and he's found a new fun through the dirt and dive face first...he finds something about this very entertaining.  He was filthy from head to toe...Here's a picture of his face just before he had a bath which left a huge brown ring around the tub :-)

Well, we've labored and labored in the dirt and finally have something in the ground...I am so thankful for the time I've gotten to spend with my dad through this process, the patience he has extended to me when I asked silly questions and the knowledge he's shared with me.  Now, I ask God to bless our efforts as we look forward to reaping what we've sown...Bring on the rain! :-)

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