As I mentioned in one of my last posts, we planted the garden in winter wheat for the late fall and winter. Last year, we didn't get it plowed very deep due to all of the rock picking...We decided to try and plow it deeper this year, but it just revealed MORE rocks!!! HIP HIP HOORAY (insert sarcasm here...LOL) Here are a couple of pics before and during the plow...

As I mentioned, the plowing revealed a lot more rocks. Since we were so far behind in getting things in the ground, we decided to skip the rock picking for now. I tried to start my own tomato plants this year and it was a total flop, but luckily I located a greenhouse about 10 miles from my home that was selling BEAUTIFUL tomato plants for a GREAT price. Since we plant close to 50 tomato plants, it can get really pricey if I purchase them all at the big stores. I am very thankful for this lady who has the knowledge and facility to grow such healthy plants and can sell them at such good prices. I purchased 42 tomato plants (each were over a foot tall) for approx. $17! I have never seen plants this nice and healthy at the big stores, but if I had purchased the nicest plants at those stores, I would have had to pay over $150!
On Sunday, May 19, 2013...we finally got our tomato plants in the ground, along with 2-100 ft. rows of sweet corn.
Brett is a really big helper this year in the garden. He likes to dig, plant and throw rocks. I'm going to have to ask our "photographer" to catch better shots...LOL...sorry about the backside shot!
Here were my helpers for planting tomatoes this year...Couldn't have asked for a better team!
We even had an audience during our tomato planting party...Grammy & Kately would rather cuddle and watch.
I repainted an old mailbox that Grandpa George gave me and we placed it near the garden and berry patches to store our smaller garden tools and gloves. This idea was courtesy of Pinterest. This should save us many trips to and from the garden shed and it sure looks cute when I look out my kitchen window. It's the small things...
On Saturday, May 25, 2013...I got out and transplanted my broccoli and cabbage plants I had started from seed. 30 broccoli and 14 cabbage plants, 2 hours and forgetting to use sunscreen (oops!) made for one sore and sunburned momma.
This evening, Tuesday, May 29, 2013...we planted 2 more 100' rows of sweet corn, bush beans, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, lettuce, sugar snap peas, zucchini & yellow crookneck squash. I think we totaled about 400 ft. of planting tonight.
I looked back at the blog entries from last year and noticed that we were picking broccoli by this time last year, so I am hoping everything hasn't been planted too late this year. If you have a garden of your own or do any type of farming, please join me in praying for frequent rain this summer. As my dad often says, "There's nothing better than a good rain."
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