Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Random Updates...

This evening, we truly had a garden feast for dinner--complete with corn on the cob, green beans, sliced tomatoes and fried okra!  Of course, we added KFC for the meat, but everything else came from the garden.  It was a very satisfying feeling to know we had grown the majority of our meal in our own back yard.  The most exciting moment of the evening was when both of my picky veggie eaters, namely Ryan and Brett, raved about the homemade fried okra I made.  I was so excited, I had to get a picture to document it...(I am so glad my husband has a sense of humor about this blog and is such a good sport! LOL!)

With as much work as there is to do in the garden each day, we always welcome any new "helpers".  We had a new helper in the garden this evening!  Welcome...My mom! 

Something I've always admired and appreciated about my mom is how supportive she was in almost whatever us kids pursued.  I could always count on mom to atleast "act" interested in what I was interested in, whether she really was or not.  :-)  And again...What a great supporter and good sport she's been through this garden project...There is no telling how many hours of garden conversation she has had to endure between the time I have spent with her each week and also living with dad!  We couldn't have accomplished many of our major tasks on our garden to-do list without her because she has helped with the grandkids so I wouldn't have to run back to the house every 2 minutes getting snacks, drinks, helping someone go potty, etc...  I hope she always knows how much her support has meant throughout my life and I don't take it for granted.  I love her so much and feel so blessed to call her "mom".  Here she is picking tomatoes...

Our pole beans have really started growing up our wigwams we built a couple weeks ago...Take a look!

The next two rows of sweet corn have begun to tassle.  At the end of these two rows is where we planted some Indian corn...This corn has a completely different look than the sweet corn and it is growing so tall!

We have harvested almost all of our cabbage...Dad insisted we get a picture of how big the cabbage plants got, so I got the honor of posing after cutting another head of cabbage this evening...The really don't look very pretty anymore...If we had taken this picture a month ago, it would have look a lot better, but oh well!

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