Saturday, June 30, 2012

Green Beans, Jalapenos & Onions...

This past week, we were able to pick our first green beans, jalapenos, onions and potatoes.  This post will talk about all but the potatoes, as I promised Kately she could do the post about the potatoes, since she is so curious about how the blog works!

Ryan and I spent about an hour picking green beans after church last Wednesday night.  I was really surprised how many there were to pick, but we ended up with 3 full gallon sized ziplock bags of green beans.

We took some green beans over to Grandma & Grandpa George's house on Thursday when we went to spend some of the day with them.  As grandma was preparing lunch, Grandpa, Kately, Brett & I sat down and snapped beans.  We sure had fun with them that day!

We pulled up our onions this morning...I was expecting they would be bigger than they were, but they'll have to do!  I think our ground is just too hard for them grow big.  I may try growing these a different way next year, but we shall see!

I have had many green jalapenos on one of my plants for a long time.  But, I remember reading somewhere the longer you leave them on the vine, the hotter they will get.  Well, this morning, when I came out to look over the garden, I noticed some had turned red.  So, we finally picked a few to see how ready they are.  Dad is the only one brave enough to try the red jalapeno, so I can't wait to watch him take a big ol' bite out of one!

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